Thursday, June 28, 2007


I got a phone call today asking for information. Nope, not info about a medication or anything. They wanted the phone number of a store near us in the mall. Why would you call a pharmacy for that info? Do I look like a telephone info service? Never mind that clearly this person is a frequent flier in this store, judging from the slurred speech. At 10:33am.

I am used to giving out info. Just not info that you can get by calling the telephone operator. Oh wait, THAT'S why I was called. The phone company charges you if you are too lazy to look up the number in your phone book! She was hoping I'd pull out MY phone book and look up the number for her. All in the name of customer service. Give me a break!

To all the lazy people out there, your pharmacist is not a customer service desk. We are a very specialized information service. If your question has nothing to do with health or drugs or even herbs (both legal and illegal ones) then don't call me. If you want to know what happens if you smoke jimson weed or oregano, that would be an okay question. After all, it is vaguely pharmaceutically related and would provide me with some entertainment. Not mention blog fodder.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woollagop xaikalitag Soycleexcurry [url=]iziananatt[/url] Priopeorganna oriniarkast