Thursday, November 1, 2007

No wonder there are med administration errors!

Today I had a guy pickingup his wife's Fragmin. It is an injectable. One we usually order. we had 1 syringe.
We gave him that one and I told him,"here's one to get her started, the other 4 will be in tomorrow".
Him: wha??
Me: pick up the rest tomorrow.
Me: come back tomorrow
Him: Wha??
Me: get your wife to call us

Patient number 2 comes in. directions on the antibiotic say,"Take 2 tabs daily"
I bring it out to counsel the patient. (a 20 something female)
me: Take 2 pills together once a day
she:1 pill two times a day.
me: No. Take 2 pills a day. Together (I stressed that word)
she: Yeah, 1 pill twice a day.
me: NO, 2 pills at the same time, 24 hours apart.
she:okay, 1 pill every 12 hours.
me: NO. Take them together. At the same time. Once. A. Day.
she: oh, okay.

I know she is going to do it wrong. But I can't be there to hold her hand 24/7!

Patient number 3: I'd like to fill this rx for my son.
me: (looking at prescription) Hmmm, this dose dose not exist, I'll have to call the doctor.
she:okay, I have to go to the store, I'll be back.
Me: (thinking Halleluja) See you in a bit.

I called the doctor, corrected the incorrect dose the intern had written for and filled it. She came back to pick it up.
she: we are waiting on a throat swab for my son. The results won't be back till tomorrow to tell us if this is strep. Can he just start it now?
me: no. You are more likely to develop resistance..yadda..yadda(you all know the story, right?)
she: even if it is just one day?
me: yes.

patient 4:
Wife comes in to get new prescription for Crestor for her husband. I fill it, note that he had just gotten Lipitor 3 days ago.
Me:I see your husband just got some Lipitor. Is he still taking it?
she: I don't know
me: do you know if it is the same doctor?
she: Yes it is, let me call him. (whips out a cellphone) "honey are you still taking your Lipitor?, talk to the pharmacist"
me: are you still taking Lipitor?
him: yes.
me: did the doctor tell you to take them both?
him: yes
me:that is very unusual
him:I used to take 2 different pills.
me:possibly, but it wouldn't be these particular 2. Let me call your doctor and I will call you back.

I call the doctor after reviewing his file and confirming, in fact, that it was 2 different doctors.
me: Mr. XXX is here and he tells me he is still taking Lipitor. Did you want him on Lipitor and Crestor?
dr: He told me he wasn't taking the Lipitor anymore! Tell him to not take the Lipitor!
me: thank you. good bye.

So, I saved a life (possibly) today!
but really, is it supposed to be that difficult?

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