Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yer Out!

Lady comes in and wants,"The rest of her Percocet". Oh and my clonazepam and Seroquel too.

Turns out the doctor wrote for her Percs every 14 days and it's been....5. Strike one.

Clonazepam and Seroquel both come back from insurance with a "duplicate pharmacy" rejection message. Strike 2.

Oh, but her Celexa come back accepted. Riiiight. The 3 drugs with a street value are too early, but the one that isn't (to my knowledge anyway) is just fine. Except, I'm not gonna fill it either. Clearly you are doing something fishy. Strike 3.

Piss off, lady.

That specific rejection message from that drug plan only comes if you filled that exact prescription TODAY at another store. If you filled it yesterday, the plan kicks back a "too soon" message.

So don't piss and moan at me, it's not my problem. Maybe you shouldn't be defrauding the system. Or should I say attempting to.

Don't tell me it's "impossible". Clearly it is not.

And I ain't playing your game.

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